At the point when you make an impression on a purchaser or merchant, it will show up in the Messages segment of your record. In the event that different clients are not getting your messages, there are a couple of potential causes.

Your Message Was Blocked
On the off chance that your message contained obscenity, an infringement of Grabdear approaches, or in the event that it had all the earmarks of being spam, it might have been obstructed by our framework. To stay away from this, attempt revamping your answer, guaranteeing it meets with our Ad Reply Code of Conduct.

Your Message Failed to Send
In the event that you got a mistake when you attempted to communicate something specific, or in case you’re certain that your answer wasn’t eliminated for the reasons depicted above, it might have run into a specialized issue. Obsolete programs or issues with program treats can now and again cause this. Attempt our investigating steps in the Fixing Browser Issues article.

You’ve Changed Your Email Recently
In the event that you’ve changed your email as of late, you may experience difficulty when sending new messages to old discussions. You could likewise experience difficulty reacting to purchasers in the event that you posted the promotion before the email change.

You’re Responding to Someone Else’s Ad
In case you’re sending messages to and fro with a banner and change messages mid-discussion, you will be unable to send another message through a similar discussion. To fix this, open another discussion with the vendor on a similar advertisement.

You’re Replying to a Message About Your Own Ad
When you post a promotion, that advertisement is bolted to your email address. On the off chance that you alter your essential email while you have an advertisement live, you will not have the option to send messages about that promotion. You can in any case get messages to your new email, however, you will not have the option to answer. Altering the email inside the advertisement won’t fix this issue. To have the option to answer, your promotions should be erased and reposted subsequent to altering your essential email address.