
It’s both exciting and scary to sell a house. It’s likely that you want to know how long it will take. Like most things in real estate, the answer varies on a number of things. This guide will show you the normal steps you need to take to sell a house, including the different stages and how flexible they are.

Things that affect how long it takes to sell a house

Conditions of the Local Market: A hot seller’s market with lots of buyers can make a sale happen faster than a buyer’s market with more homes for sale. It’s important to look into the trends in your neighborhood market.

State of the Property: Homes that are ready to move into tend to sell faster. Be ready to take care of any repairs or cosmetic changes that need to be done.

Time of year: Spring and summer are usually the busiest times to sell because the weather is nice. But this can be different based on where you are.

Your Group for Real Estate: A real estate agent with a lot of knowledge and connections can speed up the process and get more people interested in your home.

The Real Estate Team for Buyers: The process can go faster if the buyer has an agent who works hard to get the deal closed quickly.

The Timeline for Selling a House

Here is a breakdown of the steps needed to sell a house, along with an idea of how long each one usually takes, keeping in mind that these times can change depending on the things listed above:

Start Your Homework Three Months Before Listing: Learn about the market in your area, get pre-approved for a mortgage (if you’re buying another home), and gather your papers.

Get in touch with a real estate agent (at least two months before you list): Talk to agents about price strategies and set a timeline.

Three weeks before you list your home, clean, declutter, and get professional photos taken: Make your home look better to get people to buy it.

When the listing goes live (variable): How long it takes to get offers depends on how your home looks and how the market is doing.

Received Offers and Negotiations (Variable): Respond to bids, work out terms with the buyer, and maybe even make a counteroffer.

Offer Accepted and Due Diligence (Up to 60 Days After Acceptance): This is the stage where inspections, evaluations, and loan approvals happen.

Closing (1 to 60 days after acceptance): Legal papers are signed, and the property is officially owned by the buyer.

How to Make the Selling Process Go More Easily

Offer low prices: To set a fair price, you might want to do a market study with your real estate agent.

Get your house ready for sale: Make the space neutral and friendly to attract a bigger range of buyers.

Take care of small repairs: Fix any small problems that might turn buyers off during inspections.

Allow for changes when showings: Take into account the viewing times of possible buyers.

Be clear when you talk: Talk to your agent and the customer as much as possible during the process.

If you know how long it takes to sell a house and all the things that affect it, you can go into the process with realistic goals and make smart choices. Remember that a skilled real estate agent can help you get through the complicated process of selling your home and make it happen.

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